Oil Paintings.
All the works in these galleries are original oil paintings by Fiona Abel-Smith, and every painting and print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Look under the Categories below to find which Paintings and Prints are available for sale.
Where a Giclee Print is available, these are professionally printed on high quality paper, and are extremely accurate images of the original painting, each one is signed by the artist, and many are Limited Edition only.
As the Giclee Prints are individually printed, you can ask for any size you like, as long as the print run hasn't been exceeded, and I will price it up for you, with or without a mount.
Where a Giclee Print is available, these are professionally printed on high quality paper, and are extremely accurate images of the original painting, each one is signed by the artist, and many are Limited Edition only.
As the Giclee Prints are individually printed, you can ask for any size you like, as long as the print run hasn't been exceeded, and I will price it up for you, with or without a mount.
All pictures, artwork images and jewellery designs on this site remain the property of Fiona Abel-Smith and cannot be copied or used without her express permission.